Taskpaper item path filter
Taskpaper item path filter

Stack: Some commands will operate on the stack.Inbox: Some commands will operate on a top level project called Inbox.The workflow operates on two special locations: Use the modifier cmd-return to instead clear the search before appending the tag. dot to search for and then append a tag to any current search.doss to select and apply a search saved from the document.dop to search for and then focus on a project.dos to search for item and select (see modifiers below).⌥ to add to straight to 'Reading List' project.⇧ to add tasks to the top of the Stack (see below).⌘ to append tasks straight to the Inbox.dorl (do 'read later') to create task from Safari page title, URL and highlighted text.domail to create tasks from emails selected in Apple’s Mail app.(Also used to view the document -see above.) d:setremind to view, change or disable the reminder search.This can be configured using the keyword: The do command, along with opening the configured workflow document, will also pop up the results of the reminder search in front of the document. do to open the workflow’s TaskPaper document.d:help to show a brief summary of commands and settings.d:choosedoc to choose the TaskPaper document the workflow will work on via a dialogue box (an alternative to d:setdoc that does not depend on Spotlight to find documents).Most commands will prompt for this before they will work d:setdoc to configure the TaskPapar document the workflow will work on.There are discussion threads on the TaskPaper forum and Alfred forum.


Alternatively, download what should be the same file released here on github. To install, download the most recent release from Packal and double-click to open in Alfred 2. Alfred 3 workflow to search and create tasks in TaskPaper 3.

Taskpaper item path filter